Analyzing the types of State Crimes

Using the information obtained from different data sources, we are able to analyze and compare the percentage and rates of crimes and analyze which is the most common type of crime in the United States throughout the years. The amount of crimes are separate into property crimes ( Burglary, Larceny and Motor) and the violent crimes (Assault, Rape, Roberry).

Throughout the years the percentage of crimes of each type maintains itself relatively the same, with Larceny being the crime with the highest, as seen on both pie charts Larcey has a percentage of almost 60% of the total crimes. Following Larceny is Burglary, Motor until 2009 which its then changed place with assault, followed by robbery and finally rape. Larceny according to the FBI is defined as “the unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another” Larceny is defined as a crime of opportunity therefore a way to reduce the amount of larceny that occurs is through awareness and prevention of the victims. It might also help to have figures of authorities more present throughout the different parts of the states, especially around low income areas.